Children's ministries

These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.

Deuteronomy 6:6-7

We believe God loves kids so we do too. We want to partner with parents in training their children to be followers of Jesus Christ. 

  • Nursery

    Our nursery is staffed with trained adults and youth volunteers waiting to play with your child in a safe, warm, loving enviroment as you have the opportunity to hear God's Word. We welcome your child (newborn to 2 years or older but not yet potty trained) to our nursery. 

  • children's church

    Children's Church for preschool age through 5th grade is during our main worship service.  Children participate in worship, storytelling, prayer, games, and other activities designed to instill Biblical principles in their hearts. 

  • awana

    AWANA is our mid-week children's ministry for boys and girls. Kids play games, participate in team competitions, memorize Bible verses, and learn what God's Word says, all in a fun-filled environment. Our Awana clubs are Cubbies (ages 3 and 4), Sparks (Kindergarten-2nd grade), and Truth & Training (3rd-6th grades). Awana meets Wednesdays from September to April.

    Through our Awana ministry, we hope to strengthen families, promote Bible literacy and help kids and their parents develop lifelong faith in Christ.  

    Register for Awana at OLBC here.

  • vacation Bible school

    Each summer, OLBC offers a one week vacation Bible school. It's a fun and exciting week of games, adventure, crafts, storytelling, and going deeper into God's Word.